Debts are a very annoying thing to deal with. Unpaid debts create delays and also reduce cash flow. As a business or even as an individual it is important that you have access to you monies whenever you want them. Dealing with debtors needs special attention and that is why you will need the services of a debt collector or more specifically a debt collection agency.
Debt Collection Agency UK has been in the industry for very many years. With our decades of experience we have gathered a lot of expertise in the industry and are arguably one of the best debt collection London Agencies.
Our staff are highly skilled with years of experience and relentless training programme. We put a rather personal touch to our profession as we prefer to deal with every client and every debtor individually offering customised solutions according to their various needs. It is this strategy that has set us apart as a top debt collection agency London.
We also deal with commercial debt and have an extremely high rate of success in such cases. If your business is experiencing problems then contact us so as to get the very best debt collection agency London on the job.
We have but one objective no matter the methods we take and that is to get you monies back. Our staff will handle your case professionally and make sure that you and the debtor reach an amicable solution.
We generally start by issuing a letter to the debtor notifying him of the debt just so that he knows that we are onto them. We make a point to be as firm as possible in the letter so as to make sure he knows exactly what amount he owes and when he is expected to pay. Most debtors who receive our letter usually pay or promise to pay after getting it.
However there are some stubborn folk who may need a little more pushing before they can give in. We also do not shy away from the fight. At this point we usually give them a call. Many at times when such people hear the professional voice tone of one of our staff they cave in to our demands and make the payment. This is what happens for most people with debt collection problems.
There a few cases however that proceed to the next stage and that means litigation. It must be understood however that we do not encourage litigation, it is a long and costly process that could cause damage to both parties. We do our best to make sure that the situation does not proceed to this level.
However if need arises we will be with you all the way. We will act on your behalf in court to make sure that the court understands the situation and acts accordingly. You can choose to sue, the court issue fee for this is about 10%. You can also settle for a bailiff.